The Scorpion may be a more useful astrological mascot if its venom actually had some healing properties. While we can associate the sign of Scorpio with the intensity and fear (and therefore power!) this small arachnid inflicts, it stops short of calling to mind the transformative chutzpah intrinsic to this provocative and psychologically-perceptive sign. Alas, that may be too much to ask of any talisman of the multi-faceted astrology signs, and especially Scorpio!
Scorpio season can stir our depths, conjure our darker imaginations and ignite a lantern in our own underworld. There’s a little more subtext, a little more mischief and a suspicion (or just good intuitive sense?) that lies beneath the polished balancing act of Libra Season. Both Mars and Pluto rule the days between October 23rd and November 21st, vitalizing our survival instinct, our awareness of death and rebirth, and lowering the barrier of entry to internal storms. Boo!
A good rule of thumb to juice Scorpio season is to deprioritize the superficial for a more raw, experiential month that teases out your edge. This can mean hooking into your gut-level awareness and untangling some of your socially conditioned “politeness” to make an impact, calling out your own shadow, or engaging more truthfully with yourself and others. Sometimes this can be asking for help from an excellent psychotherapist, astrologer or healer … and sometimes it’s just following our own will to pursue our deeper hungers and take our own dares.
5 Actionable Steps in Scorpio Season
- If you can spot you, you got it. Explore this psychological maxim for yourself and get really curious about your own emotional triggers. Where are you “guilty” of the same behaviors that get you so riled up?
- Bring Sexy Back. Take an honest inventory of the role sexual expression and satisfaction is in your life currently. What’s one thing you can do to feel more vibrant in your sexuality?
- 2 Truths and No Lies. Whether this is saying “no” to something or sharing something raw about the way you feel, how can you set the bar higher to be more truthful in your day-to-day life?
- Honor the Dead. There’s no greater reminder of life’s finitude than acknowledging those that have passed — taking a sacred pause to honor the wisdom of those before us. Knowing longevity isn’t guaranteed, how would you live more fully in the present moment?
- Be with Your Pluto. We all have one — and it’s likely in a different house and sign now than it was when you were born. Understand the role of your natal Pluto (hint: the Lila app can help) as well as what it means to have the “Lord of Transformation” transiting through a house in your chart. Where can you take a deeper dive, muscle up your ability to bring light to the shadow, and heal?
If the transiting Scorpio Sun is activating your…
♏️ 1st House: The spotlight intensifies the realm of initiation, style, and your persona. Ask how the mask you wear in the world could be a more alive, truthful representation of who you are and give yourself permission to shine. Everyone may not like it, but if you try to please everybody, you’re missing the point. It’s as if the Cosmos are daring you to bring a piece of yourself forward that’s more wise, more healed, and more powerful. If they can’t keep your gaze, keep moving!
♏️ 2nd House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of your income, possessions, and sense of safety and security. It’s been said you can see what a person values by what they spend their money on. You’re primed to develop a more conscious relationship with how you earn and spend your resources — or realize where you need to operate more consciously in this arena of life. Become a passionate investigator about how well you’re taking care of your needs — right down to how it feels in your body. Have your needs changed? What feels safe now? Take the next step to becoming a confident steward of your wealth and well-being.
♏️ 3rd House: The spotlight intensifies for you in the realm of communication, short trips, siblings and your neighborhood. Your hunger for new information expands and you’ll likely be both twitterpated and overwhelmed by an uptick in the people, events and places vying for your attention. The peripatetic levity of the 3rd house makes for an interesting blend with the gravity of the emotionally penetrating Scorpio Sun. Expect an increased frequency in passionate conversation, “divine appointments” and your sense of urgency to connect the dots and share your point of view.
♏️ 4th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of home, family, and your inner self. Ask yourself what needs to be purged — whether that’s stale material items or outworn “scripts” with others. It’s time to deepen the connection with yourself so you can glean more satisfaction with your immediate environment. You may feel like your private life is undergoing a Scorpionic cross-examination, questioning your very foundations, including your home and closest relationships. Healing and transformation may come through a more thorough assessment of your early life dynamics as much as taking some much needed time to stir the mischievous depths with sacred sacred loved ones.
♏️ 5th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of your creativity, children, and love affairs. Ask yourself what kind of experiences and creative risks help you feel emotionally engaged, and raise the stakes enough to keep your attention. It’s time to explore your inner processes and creativity — and have the courage to express outwardly what you hold deep inside. It may be hilarious or dark, provocative or searing, but the common denomination is it expresses more of your inner truth in a way others can enjoy — or at least makes them think!
♏️ 6th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of your work, self-care, service and routines. Ask yourself what practices you could habituate to bring more of your unfolding desires into your day-to-day experience. Jobs and routines that you can sleep through won’t satiate your growing hunger for meaning, purpose, and depth in Scorpio season. It’s time to reimagine how your gnawing passion can make a pragmatic impact in the lives of others and utilize your skills as a form of meaningful service — or improve some that might serve you in the future.
♏️ 7th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of your relationships, harmony and beauty. Give yourself permission to re-define what balance and beauty mean to you, and be prepared for increased engagement with the “others” in your life. It simply won’t be as fun going this season alone. It’s a time to develop unerring honesty in sharing your truth, exploring your deepest passions, raw physical needs, as well as making room for the shadow as an entryway to vulnerability and intimacy. Too tall an order? Don’t worry — with the Scorpio Sun in the 7th House it’s often the people closest to us that illustrate what this transit is all about.
♏️ 8th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of intimacy, other people’s money, and transformation. Ask yourself what cycles in your life are ready to come to an end to make way for a new level of transparency that raises the stakes of relating. You’re developing an “ear” for what’s really going on behind the scenes of any situation or relationship — follow your gut! Your appetite for exploring what others could consider taboo may increase, drawing connections or events that beg you to flirt with the edge of decency.
♏️ 9th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of travel, education, and your higher truth. Ask yourself what experiences would really satiate your passion for learning and understanding your place in the world. This could mean going somewhere that takes a little something more, whether that’s a higher peak on your weekly hike or sharing more about what really makes you tick to a new amour. You’re looking for a deeper meaning in life, one which you may only find through high-stakes experiences, far-off travels, or exploring new world views. It’s time to get out of Kansas, so-to-speak, and enjoy an adventure or learning experience that is far from cookie-cutter.
♏️ 10th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of career and mission in the world. Ask yourself how you can increase your impact through unflinching truth-telling and the will to marry your emotional intelligence to your larger role. Your reputation can inspire admiration or divisiveness depending on how you show up … but you may be missing the point if you try to please everybody or soft-pedal who you’ve become. Stand for something and don’t be afraid to sing a tune closer to your heart that others can hear — you’re showing those you don’t know who you are — and they’re eager to see positive illustrations of leadership.
♏️ 11th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of friends, community, and your long-term plans. Ask yourself what you want for the future and how you can more intimately engage with the communities and connections that are headed that way. Subtle energetic shifts can lead to some intentional purging, an editing of alliances or a deepening with those who really get what you care about. You want more from relationships than the “how was your day” patina. Reassess your role in a group dynamic and drop into what’s at the end of your 1000 yard stare — your rutter is ever so subtly shifting your direction.
♏️ 12th House: The spotlight intensifies in the realm of your unconscious, imagination, and higher self. Ask how you can connect more deeply and trust the Universe to guide your way forward. You may be undergoing a psychic purge, need a little more quiet time or have a knack for invoking healing individuals that reflect something important back to you. As your perceptiveness increases, have a sense of humor about any old stories or limiting self-beliefs — and laugh at your attachment to a life that is full of change.