“I found that I had less and less to say, until finally, I became silent, and began to listen. I discovered in the silence, the voice of God." ~ Soren Kierkegaard
Between February 18th and March 19th, the line between reality and illusion is blurred as the Sun in Pisces submerges the collective core in the imaginative, feeling realm of the 12th and last sign of the Zodiac. We exchange some of the sharp ideating and brilliant nonconformity of future-focused Aquarius for the softened lens of intuitive Pisces, more interested in zooming in on the silent subtext of our lives and the layered richness of the present moment.
“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope.” ~ Dr. Seuss
This season is an invitation to loosen your toehold on the daily treadmill or your grip on “reality” enough to daydream and let some magic in! We’ve reached a spiritual checkpoint where it’s important to break out of finite self-definition and linear plans. It’s time to experience ourselves as boundless. Daydreaming is not wasted time and some of our answers may, as Dr. Seus suggests, may be found looking through the wrong end of the telescope.
So how can you lean into the Piscean archetypes like the Mystic, the Dreamer, and the Poet for a more fluid season? The bottom line is you have to allow some time and space in your month to feel, wander and even be lost — especially on and leading up to the days of March 8th when Mercury joins Neptune in Pisces, dissolving precision in favor of imaginative thinking. On March 10th, a sacred New Moon in Pisces invites your deepest longings to be seeded with clear intention — say yes to ceremony, silence, and soulful refuge!
5 Actionable Steps in Pisces Season:
- Invite experiences that allow you to transcend your day-to-day self and submerge into states in which you feel connected, at peace and supported by a beloved Universe. Stare at the clouds, pray, see more sunsets!
- Take time to reflect on and acknowledge situations that have reached a natural end. Ask yourself: where can I surrender?
- Practice feeling truly grateful in your heart for all the abundance, wisdom, or peace something has brought to your life up to this moment.
- Take a personal day to prioritize rest, daydreaming and reflection.
- Cultivate and test your intuition. Write down hunches, record dreams and trust the subtlety of your impressions.
Lastly, let Lila and the power of your personal astrology chart help you! Visit our app’s Daily screen and scroll down to the planets currently in Pisces — Saturn & Neptune. Discover how those cosmic influences are impacting your season and learn how to go with the flow. 🌊💙 Wishing you a season of healing, magic and delight!
What to keep in mind as the transiting Pisces Sun visits your….
🌠 1st House: In your House of Self, you’re wearing your openness and compassion on your sleeve. Practice enlightened selfishness and follow your dreams as your luminous presence leads you to the right doors.
🌠 2nd House: In your House of Earned Income & Possessions, you’re ready for your soul to have a say in how you define wealth. Explore what truly has meaning for you and apply your financial resources towards that which has inner value.
🌠 3rd House: In your House of Communication, you’re at the precipice of new discoveries and insights as you soften a previously held point of view. Cultivate a sense of wonder and patience as the pieces of the puzzle come together.
🌠 4th House: In your House of Home & Family, you’re ready to prioritize soulful connection and create a space that brings you a sense of peace and harmony. To the degree you can achieve equanimity on an inner level, is the degree to which your worldly affairs will prosper.
🌠 5th House: In your House of Creativity & Children, your imagination and ability to play is your saving grace. This is a time to find your muse and reacquaint yourself with the joys of creative abandon and self-expression.
🌠 6th House: In your House of Work, Health and Service, you’re most productive when applying your skills and talents towards pursuits that have personal meaning. Find a way to ritualize healing, service, or self care in ways that bring magic to day-to-day.
🌠 7th House: In your House of Relationships, receptivity to the support of your nearest and dearest connection is paramount for a sense of refreshment and joy. Getting the “cosmic joke” together may look like enjoying a sunset, saying “I’m sorry” first, or co-creating a piece of art.
🌠 8th House: In your House of Sex, Death & Other People’s Resources, you’re a magnet for intimacy and healing. Have patience as you untangle inner revelations; greater interpersonal transparency leads to more soulful partnerships!
🌠 9th House: In your House of Travel and Higher Education, you’re ready to broaden your emotional horizons and have experiences that sing to your soul. Reflect on your invisible religious, cultural or personal scripts and implement changes that may lead to a more fulfilling experience of life.
🌠 10th House: In your House of Career, you’re a wayshower for what it means to marry your job with a higher purpose. Whether that’s where you clock in every day or how you serve your community, allow your intuition and spirituality to make an impact.
🌠 11th House: In your House of Friends and Future Plans, you’re ready to play a social “connector” and elevate your role in the community. It’s to re-imagine and strengthen your future vision as you connect with those who believe in the power of your dreams.
🌠 12th House: In your House of Self-Transcendence, it’s time to give your ego and your to-do list a vacation. Actively seek communion with a higher state of consciousness and attune to any intuition around clearing and letting go.