Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
The Sun blazes into the exuberant fire of Sagittarius welcoming a new astrological season punctuated by optimism, possibility and a quest for understanding. Having learned something of our raw instincts and emotional resilience, we’re ready to emerge from the labyrinthine depths of psychological Scorpio and recharge through leaps of faith. From November 23rd — December 22nd, we’re warmed by the energy of the buoyant 9th sign of the Zodiac, invoking the archetypal energies like the Nomad, the Student and the Philosopher.
Whether that quest for meaning leads us to books or the Buddha, politics or plane tickets — Sagittarius stokes our enthusiasm for understanding through gathering unfamiliar experiences that expand our awareness. Is that through robust physical activity? Rigorous academic exploration? Traveling to foreign lands? The key is that it kindles your enthusiasm to engage with the greater world you and it feels like an adventure. In the indelible words of George Michael — you gotta have faith.
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls ~ Joseph Campbell
And faith we may need. Just as our idealism is emboldened, it locks into an edgy exact square aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This suggests that in the waning days of November, there may be an acute focus on realistic trade-offs, restrictions, and the need for maturity as we endeavor to leverage the role of faith in our lives. Passionate Mars enters Sagittarius on November 25th only increasing our hunger to open the gates of experience, while also amplifying the tension to that stern Saturnian square. Meanwhile Jupiter — the Sagittarian ruler — remains retrograde in earthy Taurus echoing that indeed patience, connection to our bodies, and having two feet on the ground help us navigate our way forward. Similarly, it’s wise to check into your own natal Jupiter’s journey - both in your natal chart and by transit — to better understand what acts as a wellspring of faith and meaning in your life — especially in Sag season!
Consider asking yourself:
🪂 Where do I need adjust my beliefs to support the greatest vision for my life?
🪂 What kinds of experiences do I need to renew my faith or revolutionize it?
🪂 Am I thinking big enough? Where have I become small-minded and how can I be proactive in applying my faith?
🪂 Where can I admit what I don’t know? How do I want to expand my awareness?
🪂 Where in my life would it serve me to hope for the best but prepare for the worst?
We always have to consider the shadow of Sagittarius - where the best qualities can devolve into this sign’s undoing. If knowledge turns to hubris, adventurousness to reckless abandon, zealous over-trusting into disappointment, we are skirting into less helpful shades of a Sagittarian adventure. For your personal Jupiterian gifts and challenges, make sure to explore the LILA app’s “My Chart” screen as well as the “Transits” screen to learn how your true meaning of success evolves as you do.
If the Transiting Sagittarius Sun Brightens Your …
🏹1st House: You’re ready to let your personality shine and broadcast your beliefs and passions. It’s time to initiate a plan or project that stirs your enthusiasm and gets you into the adventure of life.
🏹2nd House: You’re ready to grow your wealth and apply your ambition wisely to purchases and investments that align with your values. It’s time to realize that betting on yourself is the best risk you can take — and one for which you’ve dutifully prepared.
🏹3rd House: You’re ready to get busy and start amplifying your message on your chosen platform — be that via social media or coffee with your neighbor. It’s time for short trips, impromptu meetings, and spinning ideas into gold.
🏹4th House: You’re ready to place home, family and your innermost self the center of your world. It’s time to refresh your definition of home and make changes that reflect inner shifts.
🏹5th House: You’re ready to put passions into action, if only to awaken a childlike sense of joy and creativity. It’s time to do something big that punctuates your life story — all the more so if others find it foolish!
🏹6th House: You’re ready to allow your passions and beliefs to infuse the way you work and take care of yourself. It’s time to explore new practices, habits and support systems that help put your larger goals and dreams into a doable, daily routine.
🏹7th House: You’re ready to allow others to expand your sense of what’s possible and to cheer you on. It’s time to join forces, find balance in connection, and learn through prioritizing relationships.
🏹8th House: You’re ready to shine a light on the most emotionally loaded areas of your life and relationships. It’s time to reassess your desires and alter strategies for big-picture wins.
🏹9th House: You’re ready to invite experiences that confirm your belief in the inherent goodness of the world and its people. It’s time to take an active approach to learning and opening your mind — be that through travel, education or being an enthusiastic guide for others.
🏹10th House: You’re ready to share your passion on the world stage and accept opportunities that feel larger-than-life. It’s time to push open some doors and align with your mission.
🏹11th House: You’re ready to enjoy the warmth and enthusiasm of like-minded community and friends that share your beliefs. It’s time to reassess a long-term vision through a lense of expanded possibility.
🏹12th House: You’re ready to experience yourself as a soul having a human experience - and live your best life because of that distinction. It’s time to actively pursue connection with something beyond the self and enjoy the healing and liberation knowing everything is impermanent.
Our souls are ready to embrace unfamiliar destinations, viewpoints, and experiences. Where can FAITH help you take the leap? Check out the Transits screen on the LILA app!